Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Tutt Tutt, Looks Like Rain!

These past couple days of rain have been absolutely lovely! The temperature outside has been a good solid 75 or below which is my kind of weather. It's not too hot, and not too cold. I love seeing the dark clouds floating in the sky and watching them wrap themselves around the mountain tops. I want to go hike Squaw Peak one of these days when there are clouds up there. I think it would be awesome to be surrounded by clouds like that. I also loved the way the wind made the rain look as it blew the water droplets in all different directions. It seriously looked like the rain was falling horizontal rather than vertical as usual.  I'm hoping we get a couple more days of this weather before it goes away.  Fall is here and I'm enjoying every minute of it.  

1 comment:

  1. Right! This kind of weather is the best. If it is too hot you can't focus. Overcast and cool is the best you can do anything you want to without worrying that it will be too hot.
